Only bottles of this year-old Port Ellen were released and were intended for travel retail so are rarely seen elsewhere. And figure out which are your favourites; because investing is much more fun and far easier if you actually enjoy collecting. Create your free Catawiki account. Well, if you insist.
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Irish whiskey is quite simply on fire, with exports projected to double between and , and double again by No other spirit currently holds this promise. And with demand already exceeding supply, Irish whiskey makes an exceptional case for investment. At Irish Whiskey Assets, our team of experts can guarantee a friendly and professional service. Our investment model is both uncomplicated and sustainable.
We use cookies to remember your site preferences, record your referrer and improve the performance of our site. For more information, see our cookie policy. Launched inWhiskyInvestDirect changed that, by allowing private investors to buy quality whiskies at wholesale prices. Economies of scale mean your whisky will be stored — still in the barrel — at exceptionally low costin the original distiller’s bonded warehouse.
Its safe storage there is evidenced every month by our published audit. You will own the whisky as it matures, and when you decide to sell, via our trading exchangeyou’ll receive a transparently competitive price from other users and industry bidders. Together we profit through tackling this industry’s greatest problem — the large working capital requirement of financing maturing stock.
Which whiskies can I buy on WhiskyInvestDirect? Capital is at risk. Deposit money into your account. Buy whisky with your money. Although there are no guarantees, you should expect to profit by selling maturing whisky into normal blending demand, though prices can be volatile. The cash price for 8-year old Scotch whisky bought new, and sold each year of the decade shows average historical returns of This number is net of our trading commission.
However you would have paid storage fees of 15p per Litre of Pure Alcohol LPA per year, bringing the return down to This compares very favourably to deposit rates, but it does involve some risk. Each of these figures was for an equal holding of typical malt and grain whiskies. Mixed together before bottling they make blended Scotch. The data shown are net of trading commission, storage costs and evaporation.
The cost of wood is not included. Free report: Investing in Scotch whisky maturation. Naturally there are risks. But ibvestments are many sensible reasons for investing in whisky maturation.
Previously there have been two big problems which prevent private investors from participating in whisky maturation: complexity and scale. These combine to make prices of barrel whisky very much higher for smaller deals. Forget the bottle, Invest in Whisky by the Barrel. WhiskyInvestDirect combines in-depth knowledge of the whisky trade with the online expertise of its parent company, Galmarley Ltd. More about BullionVault. Scotch whisky is big business. Scotch whisky is made from cereals which are allowed to begin germination, a process which releases enzymes that turn grain starch into sugar.
The germination is halted by heating, and yeast is added to ferment the sugary mixture. The fermentation result — basically beer — is distilled to produce a clear-coloured, sharp distillate which is not suitable for drinking and which contains several hundred complex organic compounds.
Water is then added back, and the mixture is stored for maturation in naturally permeable, second-hand, oak barrels. The barrels, which will previously have stored bourbon, sherry or possibly port, offer a richly complex semi-permeable membrane through which gases can pass.
There the many different organic chemicals interact both investjents the distilled spirit, and with each other, during this maturation process. In ways which are not fully understood the chemistry of the distillate changes subtly as it reacts with the second-hand wood, and with the cold, damp, Scottish air which slowly crosses the membrane. Single malt whisky is made in a traditional batch process using a copper pot still at a investmentd distillery.
Single malt is the premium, traditional style of whisky, but the artisanal manner of its production is not easily scaled. Single grain whisky is made continuously via a modern column still, on industrial scale. The output is purer alcohol, but with much less flavour and character dhisky a single malt.
The single most important fact about whisky is that the fate of very nearly all single grain whisky is to be blended with one or more single malts to produce a much better tasting derivative type called blended Scotch whisky. This is equivalent to about 35 bottles leaving Scotland every second of the year. It is relatively evenly distributed across major markets.
It sells as a high status premium drink primarily to affluent middle-aged men. The fortunes of Scotch are closely correlated to the world economy. Growing global GDP tends to encourage Scotch demand. Scotch consumption tends to falter when economies contract.
Will the extra inventory WhiskyInvestDirect causes to be produced cause a glut, and depress prices? This is a theoretical possibility — but the scale of the industry makes it very unlikely. The industry is comfortable with years’ worth of sales undergoing maturation. Following unpredicted demand over the period from to the industry’s stock level of mature whisky is currently tight. There is no glut at the moment.
This is in line with the sales growth projected by many industry analysts. The whisky is stored in oak barrels, in bonded warehouses in Scotland. The warehouses are run by highly reputed whisky producers with whom WhiskyInvestDirect has entered into agreements for storage. The particular bonded warehouse location of every barrel is specified, and evidenced on the monthly Investmnets, published on the WhiskyInvestDirect site. Stockholders often redistribute barrels from the same batches to multiple sites, in order to reduce single site exposure for each individual whisky.
Our most common ‘hogshead’ barrel contains approximately liquid litres. Because the alcohol evaporates a little quicker whusky the water the strength slightly reduces during maturation. We expect whosky whisky to mature. While we can’t predict future demand, we know that all the whiksy we buy whiksy important components in leading Scotch whisky brands. On the order board — where you trade — you will see each different whisky identified by.
Many of them are very well known. A whisky can be considered ‘mature’ as young as three years old, or it might carry on maturing for 20 years. It depends on many factors, not least of which is the marketplace, and how much brand premium a brand owner can expect to earn from bottling that particular age.
The best way we can tell that a whisky is approaching maturity is that a brand owner decides to buy some of it. When that happens we keep you informed. We all share the objective of getting mature spirit profitably bottled and shipped to the consumer. That is the job of the brand builders and trade customers, and we keep them informed regarding the availability of maturing stock on WhiskyInvestDirect.
Before WhiskyInvestDirect, brand owners who had sold all their 10 year old production had restricted opportunities for buying more whisky. This is what we change. In the future, the more marketable your particular holdings, the more attention you will get from trade buyers who need mature blending stock for their successful brands.
Sometimes the trade will simply post bids for a particular stock line on our order board. They can ask us to good owners, to draw ahisky to the bid, which means you will not have to keep a close day-to-day watch on bidding. They can also make Bulk Trade Bids. These offer a way for trade buyers to acquire a lot of whisky from multiple owners under the same commercial terms.
We always notify our customers when there is a Bulk Trade Bid and hood course bidders have to make their bid attractive in order to encourage holders to sell. Often these bids will offer you a premium from the prevailing price. Then the whisky is usually shipped to consumer markets rapidly. They take care of the associated formalities and charges.
As a user you do have a bottling right, which you can certainly use if you think your whisky would profit you better in your own bottles. But don’t forget there are issues with warehouse licensing, shipping and tax. WhiskyInvestDirect is not suitable for small scale bottling runs because investmrnts minimum fees are set for industrial quantities, and are significant. Evaporation is part of the maturation process. In combination they refer to the amount of spirit which went into the barrel at the outset filling.
When you come to sell your whisky it doesn’t matter how much has evaporated. It is up to the buyer to make an approximate calculation of how much actual spirit will be in the barrel by anticipating the total quantity shared out between ‘the angels’. Approximately 50 of the Scotch distilleries are open to visitors. Some of the others are happy to arrange visits by appointment. There are over single malt distilleries in Scotland.
WhiskyInvestDirect invstments in significant volume in top quality malts and grains and regrettably there will always be some fine whiskies which are unavailable. Whissky value terms it’s difficult to differentiate between the available whiskies. We stock some famous brands, and they can trade at a premium over the. But this is not necessarily a good indicator good whisky investments ultimate financial returns, and as with stocks and shares it is never obvious which will be the winners.
Again, just as most investors select a variety of stocks and shares, most of our users choose a sensible and conservative variety of whiskies. Consequently grain whisky is produced in higher volumes, and from a small number of very large industrial distilleries.
It is widely considered inferior to malt and relatively few people enjoy drinking it unblended as single grain whisky. Malt is more varied and more characterful — and also more expensive to produce.
Large numbers of people enjoy single malt whiskies, which do on occasion become very highly sought wuisky, and can therefore provide a high potential upside to the investor.
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A masterpiece. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Mail. How Does Whisky Compare to Wine? These include:. In comparison, wine alters over time, meaning a top-quality product one year can become completely undesirable the. Part comes from European enthusiasts, collecting whiskies for good whisky investments history and character, or for the fun of collecting rare and fine products, and for the joy of drinking it. Close Created with Sketch. Our team of whisky experts can’t wait onvestments see what exclusive bottles of whisky you have to offer! Andy Simpson, director of famed infestments brokerage Rare Whiskyclaims that whisky is experiencing a perfect storm of heightened demand with reduced supply which influences most of the decisions investors make when expanding their portfolio. Interested yet?
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