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For example, a railroad company should closely resemble its current self in five years. Rail transportation is four times more efficient at moving bulk freight than trucks1, is federally regulated, and the cost to build competing infrastructure is enormous.
The most prominent example of a company changing the competitive landscape is Amazon. Not only did Amazon use its online store model to disrupt the book business, they soon targeted small electronics, and then set their wi,lis on anything that could be sold and shipped.
Williz Over the past twenty years, Amazon customer accounts have grown from one million to more than three-hundred million today4. The recent mass adoption5 of using Amazon to purchase items that range from fine jewelry to toilet paper has dramatically changed shopping habits and severely impacted many businesses once thought immune from its competition. Amazon is not alone in their quest uam fully utilize technology to gain a competitive invesyment. As seen in the table below, traditional industries such as retail, hotels, taxis, cable television, electronic payments, and countless others are experiencing changes in consumer behavior that force companies to adapt or become obsolete.
For example, ten years ago Microsoft recognized that its software business would be entering a mature phase and began heavily investing in cloud computing. They were fortunate to have an incredibly profitable business to use as a springboard to develop the future of their business. Similarly, Google recognized in that cell wilis could unlock huge potential for their users, so they purchased and developed Android.
Netflix also used their highly profitable, but dying, video-by-mail business to fund the development of streaming technology. IBM is currently attempting to do the same invesstment using profits from their declining mainframe business to support artificial intelligence called Watson and cloud technology.
While our decision wjllis broaden and deepen our research efforts is important, we also investmdnt increased our odds of success by investing in market leaders.
Somewhat contrary coumsel the threat of new, tech-savvy companies taking couunsel the world, a recently published study6 identified a massive increase in market concentration for most industries over the past twenty years.
The study also revealed that companies in the most concentrated industries experienced higher profit margins and positive abnormal stock returns. While all companies are vulnerable to new technologies, market leading firms typically have higher levels of profitability and cash flow which allows them to make greater capital investments than their competitors.
Additionally, when they are outmaneuvered by more nimble upstarts, they couneel make acquisitions which can enhance their capabilities, allowing them greater odds of surviving.
However, our biggest concern with leading companies is that they fail to invest for the future, choosing complacency over innovation. While willis investment counsel aum fundamental investment principles remain the same, we now place greater emphasis on the qualitative aspects of our companies and the industries in which they reside. This process is more time consuming and requires more analytical and creative effort but yields deeper insights, which is necessary to make prudent investment choices.
The growth of our firm and our significant reinvestment in the analyst team over the past few years has enabled us to improve our research capabilities.
In addition to our research staff spending considerable time trying to understand the key drivers of a company, we now place even greater emphasis willie how technology can disrupt its business invesstment. How does the company differentiate itself with its products or services? Is the company investing enough of its profits to increase its moat? Is there willi new technology that could render its products less relevant?
Are consumer preferences changing? Is a competitor developing or utilizing technology in a new way which could upend an industry? How confident are we about what this company will look like in five years? Sometimes it becomes apparent that the future for a particular company is subject to so many unknowns — especially what it will look like in five years — we will not reach a sufficient level of conviction to own the subject company. Evaluating such uncertainty is an important aspect of risk assessment and risk management.
At this point, vounsel debate the prospects and predictability of the company, but we purposefully do not discuss valuation. The scrutiny that we apply to potential securities also applies to companies we. To avoid complacency, we are always putting our existing companies on trial to determine if they meet our strict investment requirements.
Our CIO routinely reviews and challenges our assumptions and analysis. Case by case, we must balance the unknowable future with our assessment of their ability to manage through the change. Ultimately, investing is a balance of potential invwstment and potential risk. Brett M. The views are not intended as a forecast or guarantee of future results. This material is for informational purposes. It does not constitute investment advice and is not intended as an endorsement of any specific investment or cojnsel.
Past performance is not predictive of future results, which may vary. Investing is subject to risks and uncertainties; future returns are not guaranteed, and loss of principal may occur. For more commentary, we invite you to visit our website at www.
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Impact investment with a quantitative goal — Yemi Lalude on The Rise Fund
Gainesville, United States
Firm does not accept performance-based fees. Sum Investment. The 1. Willis Investment Counsel has met the qualifications for inclusion in our WhaleScore. Cancel Schedule Export. Your information will never be shared with any third party. The firm, or a related person, trade securities for themselves that they also recommend to their clients. Stock ticker:. Neither Symmetric nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Total AUM. The WIC investment strategy for stocks is to recognize and take advantage of the potential for stock price increases willis investment counsel aum time. Willis Investment Counsel is an investment advisor that manages 1. Yes No.
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