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If you’re new here, please click here to knvestment my European investment bank milan page investment banking recruiting guide — plus, get weekly updates so that you can break into investment banking. Thanks for visiting! Continuing our series on finance in different regions of the world, today we go to Italy and hear from a reader who completed an MBA program there and then had an internship this past summer at a local Italian investment bank. We cover a broad set of topics, including how he decided to study in Europe, how he applied and got into a top MBA program eurropean, and then how he used that experience to land his banking internship. After I graduated, though, I put my plans to work abroad on hold and spent 1 year as a credit analyst at an automotive financial services company. That was ok, but I eventually found myself bored and wanted to be closer to the markets — so I moved to an asset management firm, where I spent 1.
European Investment Bank – Infrastructure Associate – Milan
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If you’re new here, please click here to get my FREE page investment banking recruiting guide — plus, get weekly updates so that you can break into investment banking. Thanks for visiting! Continuing our series on finance in different regions of the world, today we go to Italy and hear from a reader who completed an MBA program there and then inveatment an internship milzn past summer at a local Italian investment bank. We cover a broad set of topics, including how he decided to study in Europe, how he applied and got into a top Invetsment program there, and then how he used that experience to land his banking internship.
After I graduated, though, I put my plans to work abroad on hold and spent 1 year as a credit analyst at an automotive financial services company. That was ok, but I eventually found myself bored and wanted to be closer to the markets — so I moved to an asset management firm, where I spent 1.
That was better, but it was a very sales-oriented job you better enjoy cold-calling nilan not exactly my cup of tea. I wanted to move into something more analytical within finance — and I felt europdan. Right, I think a lot of readers are in euripean same position right. But most euopean them are probably thinking about going to business school in their own countries rather than moving overseas — what prompted you to consider and apply to programs in Italy?
I felt having that experience and getting to know another language and culture would be a strong selling point and an amazing opportunity on its own merits. I was admitted to one of the top business schools in Italy — whereas in the US I got into good, but not top schools, so I figured going abroad might be a wise idea.
And I had already lived in Italy, loved the country, and was interested in working in Europe in the future, so it seemed like a wise decision euroean go to business school. Furopean did you find out about and apply for your MBA program? Was the process any different from applying to US or UK business schools? They can be a great way to learn about foreign universities, meet people who know about the different programs, and decide which international schools might be a good fit.
It was really helpful meeting representatives at booths and exchanging europesn information — sometimes those inveztment even became early points of reference for the admissions office.
Another takeaway I had from going to these events was that my school was very well regarded and had a great reputation jilan Europe. Ok, so you were set on going to Italy and applied both to programs in the US and Europe — were there any language requirements for studying at a European business inveestment What about paying for school?
Business school is an expensive proposition, so did you get loans or did you also work while attending school? Just like most other students, I had to borrow to go to school — there is some financial aid, but not enough to cover everything at the MBA level. There was no time to work or even be a bar-tender — most days in my program I was working or studying from 8 AM to 10 PM.
Business schools have developed the reputation of having easy curricula and not requiring much work, but at least at my school it was like drinking from the fire hose.
However, my overseas investment banking internship helps make up for this lack of transferability by giving me a unique selling point. Got into a top MBA program… check. Now, how do you go europran recruiting and networking into finance in invesment different country?
Did you have to do a lot of networking? I relied on on-campus recruiting. Overall, the recruiting process was less rigorousat least ban internships. My interviews were less focused on technical questions and more case study-oriented. I only had to pass one step before they made me the offer, but that might have been unique to my bank.
Yes, leave no stone unturned. Think of friends, relatives, former co-workers, friends of friends, friends of friends of friends, and in particular think of anyone with an international background.
Did you meet someone from a different country while studying abroad? Does your friend have a dad who works at a bank in Switzerland? I have tried both approaches before, but have found it very difficult to develop a relationship with a complete stranger.
If you have an uncle who knows a guy in London that he used to work with, then ask your uncle to make the introduction via email or to just give you the contact information straight-away. Those are some great tips. The Internet is amazing. What about the logistical and legal side of recruiting and working abroad? As europewn US citizen, was it difficult to get the appropriate work visas? Yes, work permits can definitely be an issue.
The bureaucracy is very difficult to navigate and not worth the time and trouble. To get around that, you need to be creative and try strategies like working for American companies with Italian subsidiaries, or for a US company that just bought an Italian company. My internship was very unstructured. Also, none of the summer Associates did any marketing work pitch books — they just used us for execution working with clients. Everywhere in the world europexn been hit hard by the recession — were there any differences in Italy in terms of deal activity or overall economic impact?
Did you get to work on many live deals? However, the overall economic conditions and credit availability have forced them to cut back on lending, slowing their business model just like at any other bank.
What was the culture of your bank like? Did it have more to do with the bank itself, or was it because you were in Italy? The culture of the bank was amazing. It was a very flat organization with almost none of the traditional hierarchy in investment banking careers — Analysts were working banj with VPs to get deals done and they were fixing models.
I think this just reflects the culture of local Italian banks — international banks here are better organized with a more euopean hierarchy. Overall, I really enjoyed that type of environment — people were mklan overly aggressive or climbing over each other to impress their superiors. As an intern, the latest I stayed was — and that happened just a few times over 2. I only came in once on Saturday. All you do in Milan is models and bottles. You get a table, overpay for everything, and try to hang out with models.
Back when you were getting interested in finance, what other options were you considering besides banking? The usual suspects: private equityventure capitalmanagement consultingand corporate finance positions. I want to gain experience in a non-Anglo Saxon culture, develop additional language skills which I still believe are important, even if everyone knows Englishand take advantage of my location to travel.
The sponsorship issue and jilan recession investent made things inveshment difficult, so my backup plan is to return to the US and do a lot of networking.
Any parting words of advice for someone looking to complete an MBA program or finance internship abroad? For finance internships, you really need to be in Invextment if you europeann to work in Europe — and the same goes for any other region.
You need to go to events or school in the country of your choosing, or find other in-person channels to have a good shot at getting in. And once you start making contacts and talking to people, miln size of your eueopean will grow quickly. One final word of caution: As I mentioned above, Americans abnk sponsorship from the company to work almost anywhere in Europe — and this is usually the deal-breaker for US citizens. In his spare time, he enjoys memorizing obscure Excel functions, editing resumes, obsessing over TV shows, traveling like a drug dealer, and defeating Sauron.
Free Exclusive Report: page guide with the action plan you need to break into investment banking — how to tell eudopean story, network, craft a winning resume, and dominate your interviews. Please use my contact in the form :. I realize that now I am the one replying to an old message, however, I would be very interested in discussing the topic of investment banking in Italy with.
I am not quite sure how to get in contact with you. I hope you get around investmebt seeing. Where should I look for an internship if I want to begin a eurlpean in investment banking or private equity in Italy?
Is Generali a good option? If you could help me it would appreciated. Can you please put me in touch with the writer of this article? I am thinking of getting my studies out the way while i am still young and in the academic frame of mind. My idea is to go into development and investment in the hospitality industry.
How advisable is it to do the MBA straight away, and what possibility do i have to encounter my desired industry through the italian investment milsn industry, and obviously at a lucrative level.
If it might help…. Any recommendations on which european investment bank milan I should choose? I imagine the southern coastal cities would be the best places for the summer months, but I know that Northern Italians frown upon the Southern Italian invesmtent.
Do not really know but anything would work, Milan is probably the best but the other 2 are fine. The only other city is Rome. Since some of the biggest italian companies have officies there, some BB have them too i. Maybe you should go to Florence. You will not have the accent problem and you can find a lot of fun on the coast, not that far from the city.
MMm well there is a divide between south and north Italy. The north is more industralized and south is not so muchsouth is considered to be more into farming. For a good career in finance stay in Milan or at the most in turin. This is onvestment very interesting article for foreign people willing to work in Italy, but what about italian people willing to get a job in ib in the US?
I work as an analyst in an asset management firm, and I was thinking about switching to ib, maybe in London or NYC. What about the opportunity in the US? Most of the big international banks are present in Italy, but following the crisis there has been a continued shift in market share in favor of the Italian banks such as IMI and Mediobanco.
Thanks Ari, I am looking for a job in either strategy consulting or investment banking invesgment Italy, investmment indeed it will be quite a challenge. Especially since I would prefer to go to Rome.
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