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What is MMM?
MMM is a company that has deserved disrepute around the world. Many people lost their money due to participation in this scheme. Nigeria was no exception. In this article, you will find out how MMM Global works, and why you should avoid this company. The ponzi scheme of MMM global was popular in Nigeria but all the transactions were frozen.
What is MMM?
MMM, meaning Mavrodi Mundial Movement with its fans assuming variations like money making machine, moneybox, mmm contentment etc. Video below analysis the idea from its founder, Sergey Mavrodi :. MMM has grown so huge in most countries of its existence and it is arguably the largest and ahead of competition in the market it operates. Some of the countries of MMM operations include:. MMM enable a peer to peer aid sharing model where a user in the chain has to provide help before he will be helped by a peer in the chain. We have explained in the infographic below:. In the second instance, Mr A, who was the provider in the first scenario now needs an aid.
How does MMM make money?
MMM, meaning Mavrodi Mundial Movement with its fans assuming ddoes like money making machine, moneybox, mmm contentment.
Video below analysis the idea from its founder, Sergey Mavrodi :. MMM has grown so huge investmsnts most countries of its existence and it is arguably the largest and ahead of competition in the market it operates. Some of the countries of MMM operations include:. MMM enable a peer to peer aid sharing model where a user in the chain has to provide help before he nmm be helped by a peer in the chain. We have explained in the infographic below:.
In the second instance, Mr A, who was the provider in the first scenario now needs an aid. He will then be merged by a waiting Miss C that wants to help and will pay the requested value to Mr A. In the last instance, Miss B is back in the picture because she wants to be helped later. Now, she will need to help someone in the chain before she can get help later.
If Miss C needs an aid, she will then be merged by a waiting Miss B who this time becomes a helper instead of a receiver. Investents A and Miss B hopefully will return in future though when a need arise hence, inestments hope for the existence of the scheme in a long time.
The longer her investment stays in the system, the higher it grows on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The investor do not necessary needs to interact with members in the scheme, his communications and transactions are dkes to himself and the owner of the high yield investment program.
There involve a high risk investing in such programs and we advise taking some protective measures. Roes other schemes, MLM involves the selling of products where a sales person do not just get reward for sales he generates but also for the sales generated by his referrals and their downline. Soes individual invest money first before products will wlrk supplied.
Ponzi : in a Ponzi scheme setting, an investor gets paid from the investment of his downline or referrals. In which case, the growth of your investment depends on the growth and donations of other investors referred by you. MMM : it shares features akin to the afore-explained schemes. The return is high but not as much as most HYIPs and also connect you with a peer to how does mmm investments work hence enabling communications between investors. Differentiating MMM from the last two, it does not require any sale of product nor compulsory to refer investors before your investment grows.
The platform only exist to connect peers in need of assistance. Though as a loyalty reward for introducing new members, you earn referral bonus akin to other similar scheme settings. In MMM, mmk only donate when you are paired with someone that needs an aid.
Before you invest, your ho would have grown because you will promise how much maximum you want to help which starts growing every Tuesdays and Thursdays of the week or next you made your promise. Once investmeents provide help then, your investment becomes active which you can cash-out by requesting for help. Is there anything else you will like covered on this?
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The original investigation was closed in for lack of evidence. If anything goes wrong, click here to enter your query. The organisation is also said to be looking for countrywide operators in multiple countries and so we thought we might revisit this extremely popular investment scheme and set the record straight. August 28, At one point the Aork Bank intervened and gave gow stern warning though they never followed up with action. Confidence trick Error account Shill Shyster Sucker list. January 14, The New York Times.
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