Unfortunately, the fun was short-lived. By Alisa Wolfson. Dj March 31, am. But if you pay close attention… maybe not? Text Resize Print icon. At the same time, the stock market dip and housing market crash saw his vast property and other investment holdings hit the tank.
Nicolas Kim Coppola born January 7,[2] [3] known professionally as Nicolas Cageis an American actor and filmmaker. In OctoberCage was ranked No. Films such as Ghost Rider and Knowing were box office successes. Cage was born in Long Beach, Californiato August Coppolaa professor of literature, and Joy Vogelsang, a dancer and choreographer. He was raised in cags Catholic family.
The Bizarre Spending Habits of Nicolas Cage
Cage squandered it on a string of expensive and often eccentric purchases, eventually facing foreclosure on several properties. At one point, Cage owned 15 residences across the world , including homes in California and Las Vegas and a deserted island in the Bahamas. What really put Cage in the red financially weren’t the eccentric items, however, but his overstuffed real estate portfolio. You’re not going to go into dire straits buying an octopus,» he told the New York Times during a recent interview. Cage went through a period where all I he was «doing was meditating three times a day and reading books on philosophy» and found himself seeking out the places he had studied and read about. This «holy grail quest,» as Cage calls it, «put me on a search around different areas, mostly in England, but also some places in the States. He compares the journey to the process of building a personal library: «You read a book, and in it there’s a reference to another book, and then you buy that book, and then you attach the references.
Plus 7 other celebs — including Kanye West, 50 Cent, and Toni Braxton — who have struggled to manage their money
A lot of questions. Unlike most movie stars — who are walking answers, machines who reliably fill expectations rather than confound them — Nicolas Cage rarely does the obvious thing, whether in his choice of roles or how he plays. He also, as if living according to lines from a surreal folk song, has owned pet cobras and castles, was forced to return a stolen dinosaur skull, has made and lost a fortune and is keeping a pyramid waiting for him — as a tomb — down in New Orleans.
But why has he done all of these things? I sat wondering in a private room at a small Italian restaurant not far from the Las Vegas Strip. Cage is a walking why, a performer who sees possibilities in art — and maybe life — that no one else does. And then the door to the room swung open and in flew Cage, hopefully to provide some answers. Earlier in your career, you had an obvious interest in cultivating the. Do you still?
Who did that? Who exposed the videotape? Who sold it? Everyone knows how much I admire him as an artist. It was more like primal-scream therapy.
What were you primal-screaming about? I have to be careful about what I can divulge. There was a recent breakup. I was pretty upset about that and the way things happened. To answer your question, earlier in my career I was very specific in my concept of who I wanted to be.
I saw myself as a surrealist. This is going to sound pretentious, but I was, quote, trying to invent my own mythology, unquote, around. Has that mythology shaped the perception of your work? You were clearly trying to project a certain image. But let me say one thing: I am completely antidrug. You can erase the character and make a clean slate so you can start making a new character. I hope that makes sense. Yeah, it does. So those stories that you mentioned, those are true stories.
I did have two king cobras, and they were not happy. The cat — a friend of mine gave me this bag of mushrooms, and my cat nicholas cage bad investments go in my refrigerator and grab it, almost like he knew what it.
He loved it. But I subsequently threw them. Have animals ever influenced your acting? The cobras, definitely. Animals are fun places to get inspiration. Actually, I thought Heath Ledger was doing some reptilian stuff as the Joker, with the tongue darting out all the time. It speaks to my truth as a film enthusiast.
I knew it would be satisfying. And when I saw that movie with an audience, they erupted at that moment. In the beginning, there were examples of locking horns. I must have said no five or six times. He never let me forget it. It did not go over. There are times, I think, when it can feel as if your performances are vibrating at a different frequency than the movies in which they appear. Can you give me an example? A couple of recent ones come to mind. I was sustaining a vocal sound there, because I was trying to play with Stockhausen 6 and mess up the EQ of my vocal.
Yeah, Stockhausen. I could have had a little more help with that film. Initially I wanted them to leave me in the bear suit to burn me. That would have made the whole farce of the film more disturbing. Because of what I was trying to do. Yeah, with Vincent Price. Vincent Price and Patrick Magee. Patrick Magee gets tricked into wearing an ape suit, and a dwarf throws brandy on it and lights him on fire.
What began as absurd and comical became horrifying because insult was added to injury. That really would have been horrific. Are you talking about the Sheens? I know what we shot, and they took it all. Bob Weinstein 8 got hold of it and cut the whole thing. Larry Charles, the director, was disappointed, and I was disappointed.
There were moments in that movie that were shocking and irreverent. I wish I could see. The true story is that we were already friends.
I was living in an old building in Hollywood called the Fontenoy, and I think I ultimately rented the apartment to Johnny, and he started living. He was at the point in his career where he was selling pens or something to get by. He admitted it later. But it happened with. Do you think about your acting in that way now? Yeah, I. Why not experiment? Could you teach nouveau shamanic acting? What power objects could you find that might trick your imagination?
Would you find an antique from an ancient pyramid? Could you open yourself to that power? I did. There are other ways. What is a poem that you like? You could take that poem and write it out by hand on paper, then fold it up and put it in your pocket. You grew up middle-class among a lot of rich people, right? Dad 10 was a professor.
He was teaching at California State Long Beach, then he was writing books. We lived modestly. We were on the outskirts of Beverly Hills, right next to the Porsche dealer. I would take the bus to school, and some of the older boys were going to school in Maseratis and Ferraris. But my uncle was very generous. I would visit him for summers, and those summers — I wanted to be.
I wanted to have the mansions. That was driving me. Did being a young man who was insecure about money color your attitude about buying things and what success looks like? You have good investments and bad investments. The good investments came from personal interest and my honest enjoyment of the history. For example, Action Comics No.
But that was a good thing to have, because I had an interest that was. The funny thing is, my real estate buying spree 12 was what the real problem 13. Or that dinosaur skull? I bought it at a legitimate auction and found out it was abducted from Mongolia illegally, and then I had to give it. Of course it should be awarded to its country of origin.
But who knew?
How Nicolas Cage Lost His Fortune
Also not from his collection but it should be. Lindsay Lohan Erratic behavior and wild spending habits are among the reasons that Lohan has reportedly been on the brink of bankruptcy for years. Freedom Debt Relief. Most Popular. Cage also owned a prehistoric bear skull that he accidentally destroyed while playing pool with Sean Bean. Daven Hiskey March 25, pm. Epic October 24, pm.
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