But one is not worth much without the other, so we need to get them in balance. Go for a walk on your lunch break, drink lots of water so you have to refill your glass a lot and have to pee a lot. But consider if you would let a stranger treat you the way this person treats you. If the last words you hear before bed are terrible headlines from CNN, give my method a try.
Invest In Your Mind
Perhaps you just got a raise. Or, maybe an end-of-year bonus is burning a hole in your pocket. Either way, you need to be smart about investing if you want those extra dollars to count. The problem is, you have no clue where to invest your cash. And eventually, the extra cash you set aside gets consumed by bills or unexpected expenses. In other words, life happens.
Invest In Your Mind
This way you can be the best version of you every single day. How do you make this happen? Then it involves setting a plan for how you can achieve your goals in small, bite-sized chunks. Change can be scary, but investing in yourself is so important. Make sure you keep track of those goals and check in on a weekly or monthly basis.
1. Read books and blogs
This way you can be the best version of you every single day. How do you make this happen? Then it involves setting a plan for how you can achieve your goals in small, bite-sized chunks. Change can be scary, but investing in yourself is so important. Make sure you keep track of those goals and check in on a weekly or monthly basis. Be intentional about learning something new, as it relates to your line of work.
Whenever I talk to people about the foods they regularly eat, most will say yourselff need to cut out carbs or exercise a lot. Diet and exercise are lifestyle changes that need to be incorporated into your daily routine. Here are quick and simple ways to get healthier:. Cook healthy meals at home and prepare them for the week so you can set yourself up for success and save money in the process! This free app pays you to track steps, exercise and sleep, and to eat healthy.
It helps to step away from the office and go investmennts a brisk walk and soak up some vitamin D in the sun. If you have some extra funds to spare on a coach, I highly recommend getting one. One of the best investments I ever made was hiring a business coach for six months. Some big takeaways yoursself how to set up your own business and how to effectively juggle multiple clients. I also learned to be more cognizant of what I was doing wrong when I was pitching to new clients. My coach taught me that I needed strong structure and procedures so I can do the least amount of work on tasks I dislike and gravitate towards the things I enjoy.
A coach can guide you through how to communicate more effectively and arm you with the right mental tools to better handle situations that may arise. Perhaps this is the year you want to make lots of financial improvements in your life. A financial advisor brings clarity for to how to do this by examining your finances and income with you. A plan is then created with you so you can realistically achieve your goals. There are plenty of free online resources you can use to understand what invesstments financial situation looks like.
If you are not quite ready for a planner, use a free app to help you get an overview of your spending, income, and debt. Mint is mostly used to see mostly to see where my spending is going. For example, when I make a purchase Mint automatically assigns that purchase to a certain yoursflf.
Financial apps automate your investments for you and throw them into a long-term savings fund for you. These are three solid apps that automatically invest small amounts of change in your bank account for you. I also have an Acorns account. You can set an amount limit for how much you want to be deducted from your investment. Online savings accounts are usually free no monthly fees and are great for goal-oriented savings through opening sub accounts.
To illustrate, your main savings account can be your emergency fund, but you could also have more accounts under that main savings account. I use sub-accounts for the big-ticket items I will spend money on. These savings accounts will typically earn iin 1 percent or higher, so move your money over and start some sub-accounts.
How many moments have you stopped to wish you knew how to do XYZ at your job so you can quickly get it done? I spent time practicing, best investments in yourself also Googled and watched some YouTube videos to move the process along even faster. The following are my favorite resources that can help you learn how to do something more effectively.
There are so many resources you can use to start earning money. If the whole idea of earning a side income intimidates you, start with something easy, like listing an extra room in your house on Airbnb. Tip: These are the 50 best ways to earn extra income. These are some great apps to earn extra money from getting rid of the stuff you no longer want or need. Tip: Write one up and send it to them for approval so all inbestments have to do is copy paste it to your page. Journaling has huge mental and physical benefits, including improving your IQ, boosting memory, and sparking creativity.
It allows you to be more mindful of what you could be doing better. Writing down your thoughts is not only therapeutic but also allows you to dump it out and let it go. I have been youreslf for years and find that it helps me control the inner voice that is always waiting and wanting to be heard. Meditation has proven, scientific benefits for your brain. Besides helping you to calm the mind of all the noise it experiences each day, meditation can help you:.
The two biggest benefits are being able to concentrate on the moment and increased ability to stay focused. All it takes is five to 10 minutes a day. Claire Tak is best investments in yourself writer, content creator and strategist. She writes regularly about travel, money, and being a good human.
You can catch her shenanigans on ClairesHoliday. Filed Under: Money Management. Your email address will not be published. Stay in the know with our newsletter or join our Facebook community. Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar. Table of Contents 1. Set Your Goals 2. Focus besh Your Health 4. Schedule Regular Breaks and Downtime 5.
Hire a Financial Advisor 7. Use Financial Apps to Save and Invest 1. Betterment 2. Mint 3. Micro-Investing Apps 8. Earn Extra Money Let Go of Your Junk Update Your LinkedIn Profile Start Journaling Claire Tak Claire Tak is a writer, content creator and strategist. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Want access to new content first? First Name. Email Address.
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Best investments in yourself has nothing to do with money but it might be the best piece of advice I have to offer you. Then each month or so, make sure you’re incestments out at least, one of the items on your list. In fact, it is believed that the peak of creativity in most people is around years old. Whenever you talk to millionaires and business owners, one of the things they always recommend as a way of attaining success is to read books. If you don’t have a bucket list, then it’s time to yojrself one. By paying attention to how you feel, it will help you to make better, smarter and quicker decisions. But little invsstments can make a big difference to your health. Hi there! If my apartment were on fire, best investments in yourself would be the only thing I would risk smoke inhalation to save. Today is National Voter Registration Day! The more you love gourself and own the value that you offer, the more confident you will become in sharing it with. Bio Latest Posts. Volunteer for a cause you care. Eat right each day, fueling your body with nutrients. Insurance is totally boring, I know. When you are the best version of yourself, you will be an attraction magnet to others!
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