Aegon investment governance

aegon investment governance

Our funds are generally designed to be held for five years or more, so our governance focuses on long-term expectations. Fund range changes The Fund Governance Group may also make changes to the funds or partner managers in focussed fund ranges, like the One Retirement fund range. Learn more about the cookies we use

Terms of Reference

We review this arrangement regularly to make sure it best meets the needs aegon investment governance investors. It is responsible governannce three areas:. Our funds are generally designed to be held for five years or more, so our governance focuses on long-term expectations. However, if a fund persistently fails to meet the criteria above, and we believe these reasons are systemic, the Fund Governance Group will governnce changes to a portfolio or fund range. Among other things, this could mean updating the asset mix or making changes to the funds that make up that portfolio. The Fund Governance Group may also make changes to the funds or partner managers in focussed fund ranges, like the One Retirement fund range.

More than monitoring

aegon investment governance
Profitable and sustainable growth is important to us, but so is helping to make a brighter future for our clients, communities, society and the environment we work in. Aegon Asset Management believes in active, responsible and engaged investment. At Aegon Asset Management, we believe Responsible Investment helps to pinpoint risk, and may improve returns over the longer term. For us, Responsible Investment is about making sure we take environmental, social and governance factors into account when we invest. It’s also about targeting some of our investments in areas we know will bring definite social or environmental benefits, as well as financial returns.

Which funds are covered?

Profitable and sustainable growth is important to us, but so is helping to make a brighter future for our clients, communities, society and the environment we work in. Aegon Asset Management believes in active, responsible and engaged investment. At Aegon Asset Management, we believe Responsible Investment helps to pinpoint risk, and may improve aeegon over the longer term. For aevon, Responsible Investment is about making sure we gkvernance environmental, social and governance factors into account when we invest.

It’s also about targeting some of our investments in areas we know will bring definite social or environmental benefits, as well as financial returns. Aegon is an official signatory and founding member of the global sustainability framework, Principles of Sustainable Insurance PSI. The scale of the looming problem of climate change is immense, aegon investment governance is the need for funding innovative solutions to help transition to a low carbon economy. At Aegon Asset Management we are working on several levels to assess the risks and opportunities that such a transition is expected to bring, and we are closely cooperating with other investors and stakeholders on global initiatives to tackle the climate change issue.

By taking ESG factors into account in our investment research and decision-making, we seek to enhance investment performance. As responsible investors, our portfolio managers and analysts are seeking to identify where ESG risks may impact our investments. It is about pinpointing issues that are material to our investments and material to our clients in a context of growing awareness of sustainability issues.

At Aegon Asset Management, we are targeting investments to have a positive impact either through our direct investments or our Socially Responsible Investment SRI strategies. We have developed customized SRI strategies in several of our businesses to address our clients’ growing interest in sustainable investment products.

As an active owner, Aegon Asset Management aims to promote the long-term success of companies in which we goverannce. We believe it is in our clients’ best interests that we monitor companies’ ESG performance and activities, vote on the shares that we manage and engage companies on issues like strategy, risk and corporate governance.

These are powerful tools with which we can invesyment impact companies and are working in collaboration with other global asset managers help accelerate change. PDF 2. Responsible Investment Policy. Engagement Policy. This website uses cookies to make your browsing experience more efficient and enjoyable. Read. Responsible Investment About us. Home About us Responsible Investment. Sustainability at Aegon Aegon is an official signatory and founding member of the global sustainability framework, Principles of Sustainable Insurance PSI.

Climate change — Through an investor’s lens The scale of the looming problem of climate change is immense, so is the need for funding innovative solutions to help transition to a low carbon economy. Embedding Environmental, Social and Governance factors in our investment processes By taking ESG factors into account in our investment research and decision-making, we seek to enhance investment performance.

Targeted investments At Aegon Asset Management, we are targeting investments to have a positive impact either through our direct investments or our Socially Responsible Investment SRI strategies. Partnering for positive dialogue As an active owner, Aegon Asset Management aims to promote the long-term success of companies in which we invest.

Exclusive interview with Aegon

More than monitoring

More about our cookies Getting the best from Aegon. More about our cookies Getting the best from Aegon. We review this arrangement regularly to make sure it best meets the needs of investors. Please activate JavaScript in your browser settings to get the best user experience. How we goverbance our Funds Promise. It will look at both its structure and long-term expectations, to see if it can still help us meet our Funds Promise. If you continue, we’ll assume you’re happy to receive all cookies from the website. Please activate JavaScript in your browser settings to get the best user experience. Rigorous governance is our highest priority, and is underpinned by our Funds Promise: We aim to offer high quality funds which meet their objectives; We monitor funds to check if they perform as expected; We take action if funds don’t meet expectations; and We give you the facts you need to make aegon investment governance. Governance Governance documentation Find out. The value of investments is not guaranteed and can fall as well as rise. Fund governance As part of getting the UK ready for retirement we aim to glvernance that our insured funds are able to meet their commitments aegon investment governance you. Learn more about the cookies we use
