Government investment regulating agency

To achieve its mandate, the SEC enforces the statutory requirement that public companies and other regulated companies submit quarterly and annual reports , as well as other periodic reports. Business Week. Investment Company Registration and Regulation Package. This Package is intended to serve as a general guide only. Search SEC.

Agenc sectors of the business world have long complained about government regulation. The relationship has been at times collaborative and complementary, or restrictive and adversarial. Regultaing the same rules have protected consumers from exploitative business practices. Below, we’ll look at some of these regulations to see why the question of whether they help business has no easy answers. A common argument against over-regulation and excessive taxation is that they impose a net cost on society in the long run. Others argue that there are good reasons for regulation.

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A regulatory agency also functional agency , regulatory authority , regulatory body or regulator is a public authority or government agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority over some area of human activity in a regulatory or supervisory capacity. An independent regulatory agency is a regulatory agency that is independent from other branches or arms of the government. Regulatory agencies are typically a part of the executive branch of the government and have statutory authority to perform their functions with oversight from the legislative branch. Their actions are generally open to legal review. Regulatory agencies deal in the areas of administrative law , regulatory law , secondary legislation , and rulemaking codifying and enforcing rules and regulations and imposing supervision or oversight for the benefit of the public at large. The existence of independent regulatory agencies is justified by the complexity of certain regulatory and supervisory tasks, and the drawbacks of political interference. Some independent regulatory agencies perform investigations or audits , and other may fine the relevant parties and order certain measures.


Many sectors of the business world have long complained about government regulation. The relationship has been at times collaborative and complementary, or restrictive and adversarial.

Yet the same rules have protected consumers from exploitative business practices. Below, we’ll look at some of these regulations to see why the question of whether they help business has no easy answers.

A common argument against over-regulation and excessive taxation is that they impose a net cost on society in the long run. Others argue that there are good reasons for regulation.

In pursuit of profit, businesses have despoiled the environment, abused labor, violated immigration laws, defrauded consumers and done much else over the decades that has had adverse public consequences. That, they say, is why publicly accountable elected officials are in charge of regulation in the first place.

In response to some of the behaviors mentioned above, we now have entities and regulations to discourage repeats. Businesses complain about them endlessly. The agency regulates disposal of waste materials, restrictions on greenhouse emissions, pollutants and other substances harmful to land, water, and atmosphere.

Companies to which these rules apply have complained that the restrictions are costly and compromise profits. It was created in to protect consumers from deceptive or anti-competitive business practices. Yet the government has also been a friend of business, helping companies large and small in numerous ways. Hundreds of assistance programs from the government—in the form of money, information, and services—are available to businesses and entrepreneurs.

It also provides grants, advice, training and management counseling. An often overlooked service that the government provides all businesses is the rule of law. The U. Patent and Trademark Office offers protection of inventions and certain products from illegal infringement by competitors, thus encouraging innovation and creativity.

On top of all of this, the government occasionally takes extraordinary steps to protect businesses in dire economic conditions. Bush, and the economic stimulus program enacted under President Barack Obama, averted a repeat of the Great Depression. No matter which side you agree with, there is government investment regulating agency doubt that the corporate world would look very different today if those programs hadn’t backstopped the financial.

The government can be a friend of business, providing it with financial, advisory and other services. It can also be a friend of the public, creating, and enforcing consumer-protection, worker-safety, and other laws. This conflict will probably never be completely resolved because there will likely always be some degree of conflict between the profit goals of businesses and the public-welfare goals of everyone. As technological breakthroughs continue, the dual nature of government’s relation to business may become increasingly regulatory and collaborative at the same time.

The government, therefore, may be justifiably regarded as benefiting both business and consumer, friend to each and foe of. Fiscal Policy. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. Login Newsletters. Key Takeaways Government regulation of the US economy has expanded enormously over the past century, prompting business complaints that interventions impede growth and efficiency.

Some interventions are aimed at helping businesses by among other things providing loans and advice to small businesses and protecting copyrights. The Federal Trade Commission. The Securities and Exchange Commission.

The Food and Drug Administration. Compare Investment Accounts. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. Related Articles. Economics The Cost of Free Markets. Mortgage Who Regulates Mortgage Lenders? Partner Links. Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley SOX Act of to help protect investors from fraudulent financial reporting by corporations. What is a Regulated Market? A regulated market is a market over which government bodies or, less commonly, industry or labor groups, exert a level of oversight and control.

Federal Trade Commission FTC Definition The FTC is an independent agency that aims to protect consumers and ensure a competitive market by enforcing consumer protection and antitrust laws. The Volcker Rule The Volcker Rule separates investment banking, private equity and proprietary trading sections of financial institutions from lending counterparts.

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Protect Your Money! We Inform and Protect Investors. See Section 5 b of the Investment Company Act. No-action letters are letters by the SEC staff indicating that the staff will not government investment regulating agency to the Commission that the SEC undertake enforcement action against a person or company if that entity engages in a particular action. The Enforcement Division works with the other three divisions, and other Commission offices, to investigate violations of the securities laws and regulations and to bring actions against alleged violators.
